Episode 8- I love the smell of rendering in the morning (and all day)

I DID IT. I’ve learned the basics of rendering, and rendered out my first project, start-finish. Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, this is following along VERY closely to a tutorial series about how to make a doughnut. (Shout out to the great folks over at “Nine-between” on Youtube for a super concise tutorial set). And if there’s one thing I’ve realized this week, it’s that things take a LONG TIME TO RENDER in Houdini. Sooooooo…new computer soon maybe?

Just joking. (I wish!)

But seriously, this doughnut took 7 hours and 56 minutes to render out.


Ok, so I was on a laptop, and I have my desktop with a little more power that I should be doing my rendering on, but let’s get a little perspective. This is a 4-second doughnut with sprinkles falling that took 8(ish) hours to render out. Which is pretty wild, but I’m sure there’s ways to reduce my poly-counts to get these render times under control.

Should I look into render farms?



Jacob Sullivan