Episode 9- Going Rogue

Folks, here’s the result of 5-6 hours of messing around with options and 10+ hours of rendering. 

Spinning Object V3.gif

Ok, admittedly it doesn’t seem like much. And actually, I looped the animation, so the render was actually half as many frames as you’re seeing. I spiced it up a bit by having it turn around and finish where it starts in my editing software- separate from Houdini. But this week, I tried something WILD. 

I went rogue.  

I did this baby 100% free of tutorials or notes. I just did it. And it was hard. It’s very comforting to have someone holding your hand through every step of the way while following along to a tutorial. If something gets fucked up, you can just go back in the video and see what you did differently than the person showing you how to do it and figure out where you went off the rails a bit and get thing back on track. 

But this week I decided to test just how well I knew what I was doing without someone in my ear telling me which buttons to push to achieve a result. And honestly, I think it’s not too bad, (If I may say so myself) for my first freehand animation attempt in Houdini

Sure, the shading is a little rough and I don’t quite have a grasp on how to keyframe in this software very well so it’s pretty basic, but I made this 100% on my own and I’m decently proud of that. 

Tune in next week for your regularly scheduled attempt at following a tutorial. (Probably)

Later nerds.

Jake- out.

Jacob Sullivan